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Boost Physio

The Boost Physio Treatment Approach: 

 Boost Physio approaches Physical Therapy from a neurophysiological and regenerative perspective, recognizing the paramount role of the central nervous system in governing the human body. The Boost methodology initially focuses on interventions that enhance the condition of the nervous system, encompassing a range of techniques such as spinal manipulation, dry needling, neurodynamics, joint mobilization, massage, trigger point release, and more. Subsequently, Boost treatments incorporate regenerative methods to harness the body's innate healing capabilities. This involves practices like ultrasound-guided dry needling with electrical stimulation, blood flow restriction training, targeted stretching, and specific strengthening exercises, all designed to optimize blood flow and facilitate the rejuvenation of compromised tissues. As part of a comprehensive approach, when deemed safe, goal-specific performance training acts as the finishing touch, propelling each client towards their desired level of function and well-being.

      Boost Physio provides advanced diagnostics for both vestibular and musculoskeletal conditions. The use of infrared goggles during vestibular evaluations enhances diagnostic precision by recording precise eye movements, and facilitating a more accurate identification of the causes behind vertigo or dizziness. Additionally, diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound is employed to efficiently assess soft tissue for tears and other pathologies, eliminating the need for prolonged waits associated with traditional MRI procedures. Your diagnosis is expedited, ensuring a prompt and comprehensive understanding of your condition.

Boost Physio Tiers of Service 

Standard Tier: 

The standard service allows for typical physical therapy services that are reimbursable with the use of in-network benefits. This includes services such as: therapeutic strengthening, therapeutic stretching, joint mobilization/manipulation, soft-tissue bodywork, mobility training, postural retraining, vestibular rehab, and of course we have to incorporate performance training into your rehab protocol as well!

Unlike, many companies that treat 3 or 4 people simultaneously, we limit our 1-hour standard sessions to no more than two people. This allows us to provide high quality care and continue to make our clinic a special environment for you.  

Cost: Based on Insurance Benefits

Premium Tier: 

The premium service is an out-of-network, concierge service. This includes a 1-hour, one on one session with a fellowship trained Physical Therapist. Less than 1% of all Physical Therapists are fellowship trained. This fellowship trained Physical Therapist will provide, cutting edge physical therapy services that are not covered by insurance including: Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, Elcetro-Dry Needling, Ultrasound-guided Dry Needling, and Shockwave Therapy.

All Standard Physical Therapy Services are included in this tier as well. 

Cost: $150 and as a courtesy we will submit an out of network insurance claim. A reimbursement check will then be mailed to you based on your insurance policy. 

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